DT and DN pattern sync

Could someone explain how I can use the digitakt to control pattern changes on the digitone? I want to have all the patterns synced up e.g. when pattern 1 on the digitakt is changed to pattern 2 the digitone also changes to pattern 2.

Use 1 midi track on each device to send the program change command to the other device. Place a trig on the midi tracks any place after the first step, and p-lock it to the correct program change you want to occur on the other device.

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Enable sync on both devices, set one to send clock and one to receive clock. There’s no need to program pattern changes across elektron boxes they will do it automatically with sync enabled.

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But without the workaround, the units won’t switch patterns until they play the first pattern twice in their current state from what I understand.

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Basically, what I spent a ton of effort trying to figure out in this thread.


The delay is a one bar delay as far as I remember with the DT and still happens even if one programs the pattern change in the midi track. I have my DT as master to avoid delays with other units for now. Ultimately that will be fixed, so sync is gonna be the easiest way to go in the end run.

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Yeah it’s what I explained in that thread but my post were ultimately ignored it seems

The conclusion (that made sense) from that long thread, is that the DN/DT will react immediately to a program change command (as opposed to having any delay) if the program change is sent sometime after the first step while the pattern is playing. The OT does not have the ability to send program change commands in this manner, but the DN/DT do (using p-locks).

I’m not sure that that’s the workaround cause I haven’t needed it, I switched up my setup for tix it’s fixed. But other users have reported sync working fine as long as patterns are the same length.

Before the end of the pattern meaning the program change has to happen on the last step of the previous pattern not on the first step of the pattern you want to change to.

Reposting links to a discussion I was part of isn’t making sense to me.

Ok, now I’m confused again. What I thought I understood made sense to me, but I’m not going to pretend I know for sure that’s how it works because I don’t. OP can maybe update us when they get it to work, and if they’re able to get them to send program change commands to one another in a manner that produces desirable results.

But yeah, you’re correct. If you just want to sync them up, and are not even concerned about having them tell one another to change patterns, everything I said is irrelevant. I linked the relevant link/discussion because I went through a lot of effort to figure out some stuff, and thought it would be helpful. I’m not here for a debate or anything.

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I don’t know if this will help, but I’ll say how it works with OT and Rytm for reference…

-When syncing Rytm to OT using the pattern sync program change in the menu, the OT ends up sending the program change before the end of the current pattern, and the Rytm ends up changing at exactly the same time as the OT… This works perfectly as expected…

-When using the OTs midi tracks to send program change, the OT does not send the program change until the very beginning of the next(cued) pattern. This ends up where the Rytm does not change patterns at the same time as the OT. In this case the Rytm will change patterns according to the amount of steps the “chng” parameter in the master scale menu is set to, counting from step one(when the program change was sent) of the next(cued) pattern… Direct or sequential change does not affect this behavior…


Use Elektron sync ports. Have patterns be the same length. Should be seamless. Treat them as one instrument.

PC change via MIDI doesn’t work as expected on DT or DN. Elektron has stated they are working on it.

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What, wait? So now you’re telling me that the most obvious way to do this, ie. making sure SEND PGM CNHG is enabled in the master and RCV PGM CHNG is enabled in the slaves, actually works?! I’ve read so many cries about non-working pattn sync that I thought this was a real problem… :nyan:

I never need this functionality myself (I change my pattns manually for maximum flexibility), so it never occurred to me that it worked all along.

I don’t even know to be honest. I keep getting accused of not comprehending what people try to explain to me. I’ve officially given up. I can understand the complex algorithms I have to study right now for school, but I can not understand this.

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So how do you send your pgm chnges? by utilizing the MIDI tracks, or by the internal config settings in the boxes?

I contacted support about this issue and got the following reply - apparently being addressed, it’s a known issue

Thanks Olle I’ve also spotted that when syncing program changes from my Digitakt, the Digitone changes the program 1 full cycle late, I’ve tried changing all the midi sync and channel settings but nothing seems to fix it cheers Paul

Elektron Support
February 13, 2018 10:41:05 AM
Hi Paul, This is currently being addressed. However, if you are sending PC messages from a DAW you will still need to use a negative delay on the track that send out the PC message as MIDI has latency. Regards, olle


The first page of the midi track lets you select the program for whatever midi channel it is setup for, and this can be p-locked on any step. People were having issues with using the OT as master when syncing it with the DT, but it seems that this might not be an issue at all when using two DT’s, or a DT and a DN.

In my experience, mnm to DT, using sync (what you are explaining) there was still a delay.