DSP austerity in 2018

If you need to cut a piece of paper and you have scissors and a ruler, you use the scissors…
If you only have a ruler you might think you can’t do it, and then your brain kicks in and says bend that paper back and forth over the ruler until you can pull against it and tear it straight…

This is a creative use of a ruler that was brought to conception out of being limited in tools available, therefore making a tool go beyond its obvious use. If the scissors were always available the ruler might not be seen as able to be used this way…

It doesn’t mean this applies to everybody and how they make music or whatever, but it’s not some outlandish concept that limitations force you to be more creative with what’s available… If you need to do something you find a way to do it, the less stuff intended to easily make that happen around, the more creative you have to get with what’s available…

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It’s not like in the end limitations will make your final project more creative, it’s that limitations force you to get more creative with what’s available… There is a difference there…


Look up the proverb “Necessity is the mother of invention”… and it’s various interpretations…
It’s hundreds of years old… This concept has been around for a long time and many humans agree with it…

(Again, I’m not saying everyone should feel this way about how they make music, I’m just getting it out there that this is not some strange concept)

Yeah my workaround for the 2 LFO limitation of the Novation Peak, is to open up Ableton and max4live and fire as many LFO’s as I like at it.
I guess that’s being more creative :thinking: :joy:
And if you are listening Novation, throw a few more LFO’s in it for christ’s sake, as I am overcome with creativity :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Honestly just about anything with a modern processor in it in any capacity is going to have some bugs. Some get fixed, some don’t, some are features, and the OS will go through several revisions.

If there’s no processor, then maybe a J-wire, component swap, capacitor replacement, etc. Though this is usually a lot less obvious.

I just view owning electronic instruments as an evolving process. Workarounds and fixes are part of the deal.

I have nothing but love for the Microwave XT and despite bugs, just used it the way it was. People still enjoy DSI, Elektron, etc. bugs and all.

To some it’s unacceptable, and the gear moves to the next happy and a bit more flexible owner. I don’t think it SHOULD be this way necessarily, and in a perfect world it wouldn’t be like this. We do not live in a perfect world and this is not aerospace tech. It’s artist’s tools.

Relying on gear for a live show makes this all a bit more urgent and critical I’ll grant, but then, if you’re performing then your gear choices may be a bigger, weightier decision. I won’t argue that. I still wire my modules by hand and build them like tanks, but I don’t require the same from the gear I use for myself generally. :slight_smile:

What I find ironic is how the ratio of music created by people who complain the most about the limitations of this or that compared to the music cranked out by people who are having a bunch of fun playing with all these “limited” “toys” is so low.


That must be a FACT! !
How do you know?
It’s funny because I compose and produce for me and other musicians on a daily basis, I wonder where did you get that assumption and how many records did you took part producing arranging or composing last year

I vote for the words ‘limitations’ and ‘restrictions’ be removed from the English dictionary :joy:

It appears you kind of took that comment of mine personally. You didn’t have to you know.


Avoid the diversion into personal jabs at people whose opinions you disagree with.

Stay on-topic.

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If someone goes in a topic about people not happy with lack of features and writes " it’s funny, people complaining never do any music" of course those users are going to take it personally. I don’t think that being accordant to a feature set should make an user feel entitled to enter the topic and say that all who don’t probably can’t do anything, but well, who cares.

no inbetween ?
i had a kronos btw. on my keyboardtable.
i don´t think it was a very valuable argument. Its kind of apple vs. oranges
(i´m F40 at muffs btw. :wink: )

my point of view on this:
it is ALL about a healthy balance !
Ëlektron wants to make business. money. they have now investors etc. and all the related dirt…
ok, lets say say: its nothing wrong with this.

i like the small form factor of the DT ( and DN)
the first question that comes up to me is: could they have donne the DN with lets say, 4 more sequenzing tracks, and 4 more FM voices, to have a 8voice-4track FM synth plus a 4voice-4 track FM drumsynthesis ?
i mean PCB space wise, and heat/ cooling wise. would it have worked out ?
If yes, would the next question be: what would this box had to cost in the shop ?*

  • my answer on this:
    if they could have brought that box, 4x4 FM tracks 12 voices , for 1200€ vs. 770€, i´m quite convinced that most of us would have been quite happy.
    and i think it could have been still a well balanced product for 1200€.
    I even think they could have donne a 4x4/12Voice FM for 1000€ , retail.

the point is the balance. and there^s quite some range to it to still be within perfect balance.
the other question is probably:
how will elektron make better sales:
building for the kiddy and toy market or targeting more towards more seasoned people ?
i´m under the opinion that most people here are more on the seasoned side :wink:
also having the funds that 800€ vs. 1200€ isn´t that dramatic

General observation:
We’re funny (nauts), we always go in circles with our stances, I’m not sure if we get anywhere sometimes other than back to where we started. I do the same, when I read something even though I should just not even care and move on, I’m somehow compelled to throw in my 2 cents… Just sayin… I’m sure people have a good guess at what I’m gonna say, just like I have a good guess of what other users will say… Yet we’re always compelled to say it again when certain things get brought up… Haha

We could almost just have stats on our user pages for the most debatable topics…
-does want more physical outputs
-isn’t worried about OB
-thinks digital is just as good as analog
-requires lots of poly
-doesn’t need song mode

Would save 1000’s of replies, just check the stats… :joy:


Yeah, not my intention. Not really aiming at anyone particular in this thread either. Just kind of saying I’ve noticed over the years how people who tend to spend an unreasonable amount of time complaining about limitations of devices people are happily making music with are usually this way.

No problem, I also get and believe that if amount of production is a problem/condition one needs to face, working with what you’ve got is the first step, being a daw, portastudio or fancy synth

I can agree with that. Just create, and be happy to create. Whether it be with the rarest, most expensive analog synths known to man, or with a zazoo, just do what you like to do. Use things that inspire you, or use the only things you have available to make your music.

Yeah who needs DSP when you’ve got a ukulele I always say :guitar:

Gimme a ukulele running through DSP and I’ll blow your mind… :joy:


Unfortunately, no such product exists today. If I were a pro keyboardist looking for a synth to complement my clonewheel and digital piano, the Digitone would not be my first choice. That’s why nobody on the Keyboard Corner forum is talking about this synth, even though that forum is full of pro keyboardists, a fair number of which go to NAMM every year, so they have certainly heard of the Digitone.

Most of those pro keyboardists poopoo sequencers anyway, yet another reason they tend to avoid Elektron stuff. At least the ones who think if you can’t play a Hammond, foot pedals and all, you’re not a real player

I agree, your decision on whether or not to buy a synth depends on a balance of priorities. If high polyphony is the most important priority, you have no reason to to look at the Digitone.

If high polyphony is more of a “could be nice, but I don’t really need it” level of priority, then maybe it’s worth a look for you.