Does saving a project automatically saves all kits and patterns?

I just want to know if i have to save kits and patterns before saving a project, or if it a redundant.
Thanks in advance !


Are you sure?
I’ve always thought saving a project will save only the last specifically saved kits and patterns. So if you mess around bit don’t save the kits and patterns themselves, they’ll be lost even with a project sace…that’s how I’ve always done it anyway.

Are you sure?
I’ve always thought saving a project will save only the last specifically saved kits and patterns. So if you mess around bit don’t save the kits and patterns themselves, they’ll be lost even with a project sace…that’s how I’ve always done it anyway. [/quote]
Sorry I misunderstood the question.
To be honest, I’m always saving my kits manually all the time, actually before saving my project I perform a reload all kits function because I thought kit’s unsaved changes was committed when saving the project. So good to know that those changes aren’t saved!

Are you sure?
I’ve always thought saving a project will save only the last specifically saved kits and patterns. So if you mess around bit don’t save the kits and patterns themselves, they’ll be lost even with a project sace…that’s how I’ve always done it anyway. [/quote]
Sorry I misunderstood the question.
To be honest, I’m always saving my kits manually all the time, actually before saving my project I perform a reload all kits function because I thought kit’s unsaved changes was committed when saving the project. So good to know that those changes aren’t saved!
I mean Im not near my ar to double check. And i couldn’t find anything specific in the manual.
But like you im always manually saving these things and don’t assume saving project is akin to “save all”. I’ve been doing that way forever. I’m assuming it’s because I lost a bunch of work but i can’t remember.

kits have to be saved manually

I just made a quick test:

  • On one of the sound i turned the decay to a value of 1
  • Saved that kit
  • Moved the same decay to a value of 127
  • Saved project
  • Load that project

Result: the decay was at 127.

BUT Then i reloaded the kit and the decay value was 1 again.

So it seems that if you save a project, it opens at the current state, even if the kit was not saved. So if you reload the kit it will restore to the saved one.

I don´t know how stable this process is (loading a project at the state it was saved). Some times when i turn off my AR not saving the kit, when I turn it on again it resets to the saved kit.

On the manual says that when powering the unit off, only changes performed to the latest edited kit are preserved (I presume undoable), and unsaved edits to other kits are discarded. I haven’t my RYTM here to test, would you try to modify two kits then save the project and check if both changes are preserved and undoables?

For full information, read this thread.: “Analog Rytm - Kit buffers - how exactly do they work”

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Thanks for the link.
Here is the updated link to the new wlektronauts: Kit buffers - how exactly do they work