Digitone Sysex Send/Receive Help

I’m currently trying to move a few projects from one to Digitone to another and I’ve gone through the Manual, done direct MIDI to MIDI, and also tried C6.

I seem to able to Send/Receive fine, but I can’t find the Project once it’s “Received”. Does it not save as a Project? Where is the sysex going? I just want to transfer whole projects. This is really convoluted.

the manual says:

“The data will be loaded into the position specified when it was saved, or the first free slot if unspecified.”

I’ve saved the Project on Digitone 1 on 002, I already have a Project on 002 on Digitone 2, so given what’s said above, I’m expecting it to just fill the next available Project Slot, as stated. However, once received I can’t find anything I sent.

Thanks ahead of time

I’m having the same problem, transferring from Digitone to Digitone Keys. Everything seems to work, but the project in the end is nowhere to be found on the Keys. Did you ever figure this out?