Digitakt -vs- Rytm Mk2

My dealer said, first week of december


I thought it would be coming out in October (I have one preordered through Sweetwater). I’m fine with it coming out later if it means it will have the majority of the bugs fixed and the unit works as it should.

That was a pretty good analogy

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Thanks, that indeed did the trick. Those samples sound banging on both machines.

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Resampling confirmed… :thup:


Assuming that the Rytm MKII has the same sampling capabilities of the DT or OT (and maybe this is an incorrect assumption) wouldn’t this pretty much be a DT with pads and 8 outputs for samples? I have a DT but really wish to be able to output separate tracks into my mixer so as long as the Rytm MKII has the same sampling engine/time/storage than it sounds like a winner!

AR doesn’t do midi sequencing which the OT and DT both do.

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Oh that’s right! Luckily for me, I don’t use the MIDI seq.

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Then you’ll be golden! DT has cntrl-all which is super fun, but performance mode and/or scenes on the AR are great as well. I had an AR and sold it to get a DT, so super familiar with both!

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AR scenes/perf macros you can do more with and it opens up more doors, but requires more patience and forethought- ctrl-all: no forethought required and you can jump right into the performance action(to each their own. Me me, I’m a ctrl-all man)


That sounds great! Fingers crossed that the sampling capabilities are the same of even maybe better given it’s double the price. I’ve been using an ASR-10 since 92 and have never found anything to be comparable that I like to work with (not an MPC fan). The DT’s workflow regarding sampling and sequencing structure is strangely similar to the ASR and I don’t really hear many people mention this. Maybe because no one uses an ASR anymore though :stuck_out_tongue:

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SAAAAAME. Also, I love how its a springboard to new things from existing patterns (very happy accidents). Scences/perf are too deliberate to be this. I just love how the DT combines the Elektron workflow/sequencer with the literally unending well of inspiration of the OP-1.


I dearly hope they fix the audio input line level. It has no guts on AR mk1

That would cripple the sampling so I guess they will.

Using Collider to randomise scenes and perfs is a quick solution for exploration…
Worth a mention.

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I don’t know if Collider would be compatible with mk2, would be awesome though

There’s a another pair of inputs on the mk2 specifically for sampling…


Oh yeah!
Totally forgot we are on mk2!!!


I’ve got the feeling they will port the entire Digitakt functionality onto the Rytm mk2.
I bloody hope soo, I just sold my mk1 on eBay ;-))

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I dont expect ‘control all’