Digitakt Overbridge

well I don’t mean to rearrange them on the +Drive, but on the active project itself…
so I can have, for example, some sample chains on certain slots, etc.
what would be the best way to do this?

If you rearrange them in the project sample slots I would imagine it would have some type of effect on your patterns. While the sample can be moved, renamed, etc on the +drive because of the hash number, it seems in projects the sample slot number is the important part.

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that sucks. oh well.
maybe Overbridge will offer a solution, not the biggest deal anyway

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Even though better sample management is supposed to come with I’m not sure overbridge will help with this.

Sample slot number is a parameter that can be p-locked and modulated by the lfo. Knob movements through sample slots can also be live recorded. So samples being linked to the sample slot number is kind of a feature of how the digitakt works.


You’re right about that

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Status update on Overbridge

I’m trying to comprehend the status of Overbride - Digitakt, and noticed your post. Like you, I’m seriously interested in Digitakt, but wonder if I should wait until Overbridge is either working or part of the package - assuming it will be bundled together. Your post was from last year. What is your view now? (if you don’t mind me asking!)

It looks like there is/going to be a way to sample via USB so that’s something.

If you scroll through your sample source, USB shows up.

So yeah! Pretty cool!

Thanks for the info!

You once said:
“If I can’t multi-track it into my DAW, it’s pretty much a toy(and an expensive one at that)”.
Are you able to do that now with digitakt? I’d like to be able to create “songs” some how!
I don’t want to only have a standalone sketch toy:)

Mac Beta just dropped today- so, it looks like his toy is growing up :slight_smile:


Thanks!..I’m guessing you mean the mac beta for overbridge. I’ll check it out to learn what you are referring to,

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It’s closed beta, but SOON!


oh, ok, great!,…and thanks!

This will be the longest SOON ever hahaha

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Well, not really.
That honour goes to ‘Half-Life 3’ (or ‘HL2 ep.3’) - the original soon™ :wink:


hahaha ok i’ll give you that one, since OB it’s actually going to happen (soon)

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Kinda, but not really

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Applications are now closed for the Beta, although I applied as soon as they opened, still not had an invite come my way… which is disappointing as both a PC and Mac user, owning an A4 and a Digitakt, I’m sure I could have provided some of the best feedback from both platforms. :confused:

Even Duke Nukem Forever came out, so you never know…


How dare you compare the two! :scream: :slight_smile:

And by all accounts, DNF wasn’t worth the wait :frowning: