Digitakt Overbridge



Yea I’m not really seeing accountability on their part

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Even the best companies get their estimations sometimes completely wrong, especially when they get driven by past success and wrong management expectations like:

  • how hard can it be to support a few more devices?
  • how hard can it be to fix “minor” issues (latency/sync)?
  • well, lets triple the head count and get it done in 1/3 of the time
  • how hard can it be to rewrite just the driver?


The more patient we are the faster you’ll work ?

I hope you’re joking. I hope you’re working as fast as you can whatever the situation. Selling a product without a promised feature X is legally false advertising.

We are forced to be patient since we bought the Digitakt or others. And if you would really work as fast we are patient you would have finished it or worked more on a decent deadline communication.

PS: Sorry if I’m rude, I love your product, I work in IT and know it’s hard to plan a release, ect ect.

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They should release whatever they have even call it a beta or whatever. Its getting ridiculous. We dont need anything fancy, just give us a way to multitrack…

Or just open up the device API and I swear I will do it.

(Reply to deleted post)

He doesn’t work for Elektron but this guy does…


We’ll have more to work with at SoundBooth.

People have mentioned that they’ve rented a very large space at that event so that they have something big to announce there(God have mercy on them if they have another product announcement :smiley: )

Would be great to see a new product
A bigger and better Digitone mk2 would be good

In addition to the MKII machines Elektron released two new machines within a single year. Pushing out another one seems crazy to me.

But it would explain why they can’t deliver OB and long overdue bugfixes …

Do people really expect new machines every 6 months?

Love that it has a compact flash card so sweet best idea ever

Yeah I hope so

DN Mk2 would sell like hotcakes, as would DT mk2! I’d buy both, but only if OB is promised to work with them (at a later date of course)

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That would indeed be an entertaining shitshow

Cmon it’s an Elektron.
People will still buy it.
Elektron could be called Teflon :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

A mk2 less than a half a year after the initial release?

As an Elektron fanboi- I couldn’t say if I would or not…

Yeah you couldn’t resist the forbidden fruits Ryan.
I remember how your latest profile pic came about :joy:


I tried switching it again today- no go

I’ve branded myself. An Elektron-Approved branding :smiley:

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You;re welcome.



That’s pretty good :smiley:

No, but its easier to keep selling the new things than old things… Thats the unfortunate reality of audio or games or basically a lot of tech sectors like phones, computers etc.