Digitakt OS 1.05


Yes and it sounds awesome, I would just prefer it to change the sound more subtly at the lower adjustment, it’s a small complaint


Thanks for the update Elektron! The timing couldn’t be better. My Digitakt arrives on Monday.

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Manual bug: Sound Pool is totally missing from chapter 5: “Overview of the Digitakt Data Structure”.


Several of you mention the Overdrive curve has changed. The release notes only mention change to the bit-crusher. @Ess - what changed here?

Overdrive seemed to have a fairly useful range, and to change would significantly alter patterns. But the bit-crusher was noted to have only a limited useful range, so I’d get why that would have an update.

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4 posts were split to a new topic: Ranting on DT update

I’ve always wished that it could go a bit more extreme, but I agree it could be a problem for old patterns :thinking:
Maybe an option could be put in the second amp page as to which overdrive profile you want per track. I think the sound pallet of the DT could be greatly expanded with a few different distortion algorithms

Yes, I have the same impression with the overdrive. I wrote it in the bug report.

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Yep, there’s definitely something wrong with overdrive. Set it to the lowest setting (0.01) and you get like a 50% volume increase.


I’m really staggered they didn’t fix the program change being delayed…

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Sysex Dump - oh wow! cant wait to try this out today!

Thanks for finally putting out this Update which was long overdue! :thup::thup:

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Live retrig! Hoping this is not an error in the Updated manual? How to do this?


Each to there own. From my perspective they ticked a lot of the boxes and did other things that obviously they thought needed done. For me it’s the funnest piece of gear I own and as a sampler/drum machine it’s the best thing out imo. Obviously others might not agree but I’m sure there’s plenty out there on the same wavelength


I was wondering if there were more CC numbers, I’m using an MBase11 and the controller numbers goes beyond the numbers on the digitakt which is 119. Did they updated that too ?

I’ve just noticed… Auto MIDI channel now defaults to 10 instead of 14

Breadcrumbs and still no backup!

Realy good job elektron

So has anyone figured out what the deal is with the new FX track people have been mentioning?

If it means you can use a midi channel to control fx without Midi loop back, that’s a pretty killer new feature!

Sysex back up
