Digitakt 1.07 : Bug reports

The track is not muted @jefones

Run a MIDI monitor in your DAW, see if any messages are sent when messing w/ bank change

I would LOVE to know, how many of these reported bugs happen with users using MIDI loopback. Not to reintroduce MIDI loopback into this thread again lol, was reprimanded last time. But - in addition to OS, it would be good to know what else is going on with one’s DT in terms of connections when reporting a bug.


MIDI loopback :fire::heart_eyes::joy:

it has to be on 14

I posted this in the the “features request” thread, but I think it is somewhere in between both threads.

When using “Func + assignable midi cc knob” to switch the value to “0” it takes about a half second. This makes it impossible to use on the fly since it drops out off-groove.

Specifically, I have been using the midi cc to control my AR performance mode, and that half second turns into a whole beat off-tempo.

i definitely ran into that also. i could see the steps light up but nothing would sound and nothing was muted. i ending up hitting the pad when not in step edit and it magically started playing again. i’m hoping a factory reset will also fix this, because if it happens again that’s pretty much my breaking point.

Is it working for you 100% of the times now ? Mine is not unfortunately. I did reset it but no luck . Basically if I press function+clear repeatedly the clear part will always work but the undo doesn’t once in a while ( it does two times clear in a row at times) resulting in losing the datas …

Yes it seems to be working properly now both at track and pattern level, although for now when I remember I am first copying (func+rec) before using clear just in case undo fails. I wish clear had a “CLEAR SURE? Y/N” prompt, but it has been asked for many times on each machine for years now.


Renaming oddity - I was sampling a bunch of sounds and when saving inadvertently entered the same name for the last sound as the previous sound, so I went into the sample menu and renamed the last sound, but the previous sound no longer appeared in the sample folder once the last one had been renamed.

Simplified example
Take sample - save and name bass1
Take sample - save and name bass2 but accidentally named bass1 again (doh!)
Go into sample menu and rename the last bass1 to bass2
Original bass1 disappeared, but bass2 is fine.

On my testing if you undo before the pattern has ended it works, if it cycles past 1 then you no longer can.

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Bank change works with synths that are compatible. On my Sub37 bank change is fine, on my Peak I have to use program change and midi channel 31 (maybe 32, I can’t remember) to change the banks. It’s to do with MSB or LSB I think.

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Regarding MIDI bank changes:
When I first got my DT, I hooked it up to an MC-303 which was booted up in sound module mode.
I was able to send bank & program select to choose the different sounds.
That was on an earlier version, probably 1.04 or something, so dunno if there’s been some bug since newer version, but it definitely did something at that point.

It depends on which machine you are talking to, some work, some need an extra midi command.


Somehow the micro timing for sample 2 doesn’t seem to work in two of my patterns. Maybe it’s user error but i can’t solve the problem. Anybody experienced this before?

EDIT: Found out it was beacause quantization was set to 127. I didn’t know it had an effect on the micro timing function.


Just checked and confirm this is correct, bummer. Fortunately most of the time I catch it beforehand so I hadn’t noticed.

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Edit 2 - alas only a partial fix, if the pattern loops before undo its lost.

…which is unhelpful, because you only realize you’ve accidentally cleared the pattern after hitting the play button…

I’m pretty sure it has been mentioned before but it seems that it got worse with the last update. Now the DT leaves the global mute mode whenever you change pattern between banks, even if you do it fast. This wasn’t the case on 1.06 I reckon. Pretty painful when playing live… does anyone else has this ?

is it normal that DT is always sending a clock, even when stopped?
i´m getting into trouble with my MIDI to CV interface and my other clock sending gear is not acting like this …

That’s how OT works, personally I like it because I’m often stopping the sequencer but still playing through clocked delays or other timed effects, maybe a feature request for like triple or quad stop stops clock, or function+stop or something, maybe a preference setting…