Digitakt 1.03 : Bug reports

I hope I’m right too, since my Digitakt is going to arrive Monday. :slight_smile: Having a commonly used button combination lock up the machine is a really bad thing that I’m surprised they didn’t push a hotfix for ASAP.

I don’t recall if this was reported…

I got the “exception” freeze (I am on os v 1.02) when loading samples into my project.

The freeze occurred when choosing the “select all” option to select all the files in a folder followed by the “load into project” command.

After rebooting the DT, I then manually selected all the files in the folder and loaded them into the project without problems.

Either the “select all”/load creates problems or…

After I had used Transfer to move sample folders into the DT, I went back and noticed that there was a “.DS_store” item in the sample folder. I don’t know what the Transfer program does with that, but perhaps it gets sent along with all the samples, doesn’t appear on the transferred files list, and creates some problem when the load to project is invoked.

I will be double checking my folders from now on the make sure that item is not present…

Thanks for mentioning this auto channel point! Been breaking my head the past hours on why I failed to p-lock some midi notes, got it now!


That exception goes away on 1.03. Why don’t you upgrade?

Previously in this thread were
" a lot of freeze accounts for unknown reasons. So I’ve held back thinking the next is upgrade was just around the corner… that and family affairs for the past week…

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28 posts were split to a new topic: Digitakt Mute behaviour

I was just looking at the pictures of the digitakt teardown that someone did and wondered whether the trig snagging issues are related to a poor finish to the inside edges of the faceplate cutouts, the finish inside looks half done/powdery and ime bad spray finishes can have quite an abrasive feel, enough to grab hold of a soft key.

I had multiple freezes this weekend while digitakt was sequencing 5 midi tracks simoutaneously, had it first as master clock, than slaved, froze on both instances.
Also froze while saving…

Waiting elektron to fix this, and hopefully add MIDI LEARN… I want digitakt to be my reliable midi brain so much…

Given that the pace of updates was roughly once every two weeks with 1.01 -> 1.02 -> 1.03 and there’s what I would normally consider a show-stopping bug with the quick-save function, it would be really great to get some sort of update from Elektron. Even just “this will take another week” or similar would be nice.

I mean, unless 1.04 comes out today. :stuck_out_tongue:


So, Ideally I want to change songs in ableton live 9…during a live performance. When I do, the digitakt becomes unresponsive to midi via USB. I have to shut down ableton, then shut down the digitakt…then turn on the Digitakt then restart ableton Live 9. Why?

I do a have real bug; unloading multiple samples from the sample manager will still display the waveforms on the source page once unloading is done. Can be reproduced, at least on my machine.

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I have noticed duplicate samples turning up in the ram after uploading, sometimes with different parameters attatched. For instance I replaced my number 5 trig with a new sample and another copy appeared at the end of the list with delay effect despite there being none added on the parenter screen.
Have to admit the “mute” function is not really a mute function, its an on/off command locked to the next step, meaning it doesnt work as a normal mute outside of a busy track. I am sure it has its advantages but working with long trigs is not one.

Same here. I transferred some files via USB and then, without any MIDI or USB in use, I had unpleasant crackle and pops, which for a short time seemed related to me using buttons but then stopped eventually. No idea how to reproduce this. Also scared of crashes, I am getting paranoid about saving my project :slight_smile:

I keep getting freezes when using midi tracks and sending the midi back to itself (cable from midi out->midi in).
It’s like 1 out of 5 times I press stop the Digitakt freezes and need a reboot.

The pops and clicks are weird indeed. I recorded the same patterns via the line out a few times and some of the recordings had them, others didn’t. Very weird and annoying.

The midi bothers me the most though, connecting up anything results in crashes here. Even the loopback method. Really hope they fix midi asap.

One more DT freeze when switching its input (MIDI-USB) on DAW’s midi track. The frozen DT blocks my whole rig in its chain, some MIDI-notes stuck. DAW needs a restart.

Don’t know if it was DT specific: DT’s USB-port is from time to time not recognized in OSX’s AM-setup. Power cicle on the DT resolves the problem. Since A4 and AR show similar connection problems (reconnect USB helps out) I’m not sure if OSX (10.12.5) was responsible.

I’ve just got mine last week and had it send for RMA as the 9 key would stick down and prolong notes about half the time. My screen ‘clicked’ when touched as well, with super minimal pressure.

I figured I had nothing to lose and bugged Elektron’s support about the timeline for a patch. Their response was that they couldn’t give an exact date but that it “won’t be very long”. That sort of statement makes me guess it’ll be in the next week or two. I just hope we get a thoroughly stable device out of it.



I’ve had a weird issue where I’m working on a project, save it, switch to a new pattern and then back to the first pattern and my project is no longer loaded. I can re-load the project and continue working. Anybody else encounter this?