Critical insight to 2018 MacBookPro

Small storage? You can go up to 4TB on the 15”!

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This will just work if you get a fast drive. No need for anything more fancy than USB 3 in most cases.

This used to be true for good old rotating HDDs.

The internal solid state storage on the more recent Macs is insanely fast. If you need a lot of storage, you will get more performance for your money by getting larger internal storage and running everything from that.


I dont think too many people will go for 4TB as it more than doubles the prize of the computer (+3200USD). Even if you will go for 1TB, having external drive is really needed for a regular backups as there is no way to access your data after you spell your beer on your laptop. This fast SSD is welded onto the motherboard and even the backup port is now removed (which is just insane).

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No, it’s secure. Makes it much harder for someone with physical access to open up your machine and clone its drive.

Of course you’ll need to use external drives for backups. Those 4 thunderbolt ports are faster than any drive on the market so using external drives is not an issue.

And yeah, going up to 4TB ain’t cheap, but neither is the same amount of external storage at the same speed.

you mean this topic?



thank you all guys.
I own early 2011 17" MacBook Pro, upgraded on 16gb RAM and 500 GB SSD drive. Also, the motherboard was replaced two times due to known GPU burning issue. Luckily, the first replacement was free of charge due to Apple’s replacement program. Although relatively old machine, this upgraded configuration still works really well; but, heating issue is always here and GPU will eventually burn again. For example, when working in average Ableton project, the temperature reaches almost 90 degrees, and when editing raw photo, it goes even higher up to 95-97 degrees. So, Im tired of monitoring the temperature, and I believe that the time is for new Mac. Regarding comparison between Win/OSX, I used Win in past for music production, and still use them on job for other things, and if I could choose, I would never use WIN again for anything. Was and still experiencing numerous software issues, errors, driver and dll failures, system slow downs etc. Never had a single such problem wit OSX. Ok, yes, on the other hand I also hate Apple for MAcBook’s hardware architecture problems (overheating) that seems like are still present in newer models…

Well well laptop are known for that… You have to choose (if you stay in laptop) between silent and Thin but temperature still an issue (even on new Apple model…) There’s trick for music little app (I said for music because for graphics design obviously you need all the power…) who deactivate Turbo (like Turbo Boost Switcher) [ it’s help but it’s not magic !!! ]
Or Gamer Laptop with better cooler fan but there’s generally are heavy and noisy so…

Still the best is iMac (temperature still an issue but less than laptop i think) or even better old fashion Desktop with the cooling system you choose… and if noise is an issue you can put the noisy part (cases) outside of the studio (if cable isn’t an issue…)


Imacs are going strong. Also Mini can be option with the solid (but not the most powerful) performance.

in my experience the laptop doesn‘t get too hot when deactivating automated graphics switching (the fast GPU was also the culprit in the 2011 models - where the solderpaste or something wasn‘t made for the high temperatures the GPU was producing iirc - so hopefully they changed the paste for the replacement logicboards).

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The touch bar MBP’s seem to have much improved heat dissipation and no longer seem to suffer from thermal issues while using a discrete GPU. No need to disable switching when you get a 15”.

Do not buy a current-generation Mini new. These are vastly outdated and overpriced. Wait for an update.

The latest generation touch bar MBPs are among the fastest laptops available on the market today. You can’t really go wrong with them.

The iMacs are of course also excellent value if you don’t need a machine you can move around.

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Well, not sure that this should be accepted as normal, at least in my case. Because, when mentioned ‘average’ Ableton project, I meant consuming 15-40% Ableton’s cpu meter. Also, im on 512 buffer size, and not using VST synths (only Virus TI one), only external synths, occasionally VST effects (limiter). I remember having the similar setup/template 15 years ago on funny small laptop, never had such issues. Also, I think that browsing and editing 25mb raw photos shouldn’t be such consuming thing that average laptop couldnt handle. im not in gaming, video editing, neither 3d stuff…

I think that an aluminium laptop holder with a Giant usb fan might help, yet it can be a very silent and portable solution. Maybe this would reduce thermal throttling and improve performance…

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i’m using a 2017 maxed out (besides the 2tb drive… went 1tb) touch bar mbp and i love it. i use it professionally for graphics, for music, and even for some light video editing. it stays cool always and runs like a powerhouse. the touch bar is mostly stupid unless you get BetterTouchTool (which really should be how the stock touch bar settings work wtf) but it’s no bother EXCEPT… i’ve just been in the NI forums because Traktor GUI was slowing down to unusable levels. turns out the touch bar is a huge part of this, and i have to change the setting to be set to funct keys in order for it to stop refreshing the mini display. i could live with out the touch bar but i do enjoy it for my custom app launch shortcuts via BTT.
but yeah… i’ve spent €30 on dongles once. one stays home connected to my apollo twin, one usb comes with me sometimes. also i got a free one with my galaxy s8 which is a bit more portable, so there’s that. i really love these laptops and have no regerts. the heat dissipation stuff alone makes me so happy. stays cool fo’ evaaa

There is no way to retrieve the stuff on your hard drive anymore. The backup port which enabled you to connect another hard drive to the internal ssd without fixing a faulty motherboard has been removed in the newest iteration of the MacBook pro


oh but to keep it relevant to the op… i think they are totally, generally losing their “pro” base with this price and dongle assholery, though i personally am not bothered by the latter. still, the new maxed out ones, though arguably “worth it” are just STUPID expensive. wouldn’t. if i’m spending that much i’d prefer a desktop with a hugegantic screen.

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Yep… that‘s what I think. Better get an iMac. And for a laptop a tiny lightweight Macbook. Times are over where I desperately needed a decent GPU in a mobile unit - I bet a current Macbook Air (does Apple still build them?!) would suffice my needs.

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you still have the usual option for backing up through fast USB-C ports and these days many ppl are using Cloud service of their choice. The dedicated backup port was useful for extracting your data in the case when you broke your computer and USB bus is not working. This option is now removed. With the latest model you have two options for emergency backup:

  1. repair the computer and access the SSD trough the USB-C port as usual;
    and if this is not an option
  2. solder the SSD out from the broken motherboard an solder it into the working laptop (not sure if this will actually work)

Both options are very tricky because not all the computers can be (easily) fixed and with the latest policy it’s not even clear if it’s possible to transfer the SSD from one computer to other (Apple is using now some clever identification technologies in its products sometimes rejecting ‘rouge’ parts). Anyhow, if it happens to you, you are screwed for at least for few hundred euros.

I’m using a combination of Cloud backup and external firewire (remember this, kids?) HDD for backing up my computers. But I’m not working on external drive.

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They’re not. Try configuring a windows laptop with equivalent specs.