Conversion Problem for Samples Loaded to AR [resolved]

Hello community!

It’s the first time I upload a voice sample and realize how distorted (sounds like putting a warp algorithm for rhythms on a tone sample in Ableton Live) the conversion is. I use the latest C6 app and prepared the samples to have the following properties:

  • Sample: 48 kHz sample rate, 16 Bit depth, wav format, less than 5 s
  • C6: Turbo off, L+R, Loop:File, SDS Rec Format: WAV
  • AR: all filters, distortion, bit reduction effects are off
  • sample sizes: on computer 709 KB, on AR 0.33 MB, so obviously downsampled

On my computer these samples sound normal.
Is there a way to deliver samples that conversion is not turned on? If no, any ideas for improving the sound quality?

Just a thought, are you sending it stereo or mono wav files?

If stereo, it is not downsampling, it is converting to mono since Rytm only plays back mono samples.


And always make sure the sample level is @ 100 or below on the sample page. Its a known behaviour that sample level values over 100 cause nonlinearity in sound. This is presumably also why the sample level value is set to snap at 100 when using func + envoder by elektron.

Not related to quality but if you are up to date use transfer app , much quicker…
Or crunch ( web based 3rd party transfer app)… easy to move things around …

Thanks for your replies!
How many problems are pure user error? At least the majority. So was mine :smile:
Anyway, I thought that on the [Trig] page you not only can switch on/off the Synth and Sample, but also the LFO. Now I realized that the LFO on/off switch is indeed only for triggering. Whether the LFO is on or off for the sequencer is exclusively controlled by the [LFO] -> Depth (and of course Destination) parameters.
In my case Depth was not 0 and Dest set to panning, creating this awesome glitch.
Levels were below 100 and I send originally stereo. So all good from this side.


i think there is a lot of user error / how does this work / this is crazy / why doesnt it work like another synth/drum machine … … type of threads and posts on here , i do the same . partly a result of gear that is flexible , partly due to the ‘elektron’ way of doing things , language .

which is why this forum is popular and full of great info.
forums about spoons are likely to have less issues and be quiet … even if the spoon is amazing.