Bug: Pattern/Kit change?


I’m running the A4 by sending program changes from the Octatrack to the Analog four.

Let’s say I have “KIT1” on pattern A1, “KIT2” on pattern A2. Both machines are stopped, this is important.

When I change the pattern from A1 to A2 on the Octatrack, the Analog Four follows it to pattern A2, but for some reason, the kit doesn’t change from KIT1 to KIT2.

When I press play, the kit is changed to KIT2, so basically no worries.

The worry is this: If i change patterns while the machines are stopped, it’s possible that I’m editing the wrong kit, and possibly even saving the kit, thus changing the kit/pattern associations inadvertently…

Anyone else run into this problem?


maybe the a4 load kit on pattern change checkbox will help you, just a thought

That was actually a great idea avantronica, but unfortunately it didn’t work. thanks though! :slight_smile:

Also, I found this while googling for info:

Seems like a related issue.

I wonder if Elektron is aware of this? I just got an A4, so I don’t know if this has been discussed and reported already.

Ah, good chance that’s related, saw that a while back, wonder if he got any fbk. Maybe it’s just that patterns are top dog, i guess if you save the pattern it’ll lock the kit in and may not need trigging. There are cases where it could be advantageous to preload an inactive kit, so it may be by design in some respects

Ever since I realized I could use a Multi Map I stopped using program change messages to change patterns.

Ok, an update: I filed a bug report, Elektron was able to replicate the issue, and I’m happy to say, seemed to consider it to be a serious issue.

So fingers crossed for a fix!

Was there ever a fix or workaround for this? I’m still seeing this a year later on my AR when using it in the same way as josker

Not that I’ve heard, no.


I’d really love an option to redirect program changes from the current fixed destination of patterns to kits. I’ve started doing the bulk of my A4 sequencing from an external sequencer and this would make my life much easier.
It’s probably unlikely though.