Deals -- Perennial List of Things on Sale - GAS Warning!

Cyclone TT-78 for $296.65

(this sequencer sends out MIDI notes, with accents, from ALL its tracks, fyi!)


If I would buy a drummachine, i think i would go for one of the TT‘s. they sound really cool


yea, and the TT-606 is only $315 when using their 10% off black friday code “FRIDAY10”
Total steal.

These were $399-$449 when they first dropped 2 years ago.

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I like this thread a lot but I hope it didn’t exist.

It’s going to make me spend money sooner or later.

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might have to mute it!



13 posts were split to a new topic: Elektron purchase from UK retailer

And miss on all those awesome deals that will pop up here and make me spend all of my savings?

No way :wink:


I listened through the rawkitz complete demos and actually decided against it in the end. The demos sound too separated somehow, as if the sounds are not gluey enough/cohesive enough, if that makes any sense? I’m becoming more skeptical of sample packs year after year it seems… however I do agree that its a good discount, especially with the 20% off extra discount.

Checked it out but it isnt really my cup of tea. There’s a few really nice sounding synth/retrowave stuff there though but I always find I end up forced down an alley way with these sort of sample packs. Might still pick up one or two (doesnt seem to be an equivalent “bundle”). It’s a shame the Sample Magic stuff isnt on sale (yet) - always liked there packs.

My problem seems to be that I’m drowning in pre-existing sound content already! The more I go through what I already got, the more I feel like I’d just be buying redundancy. Investing into something like chickensys translator would probably be a much better idea for me (to be able to reuse my existing sound libraries in any environment) instead of hoarding more stuff… Like, I bought Apple mainstage once I learned it comes with all of logic’s plungis and sounds, big mistake - When will I have time to even go through all that content/sounds LOL


10% off Fender Guitars and Amps and stuff

BUT – I think there are strings attached. You have the sign up for the Fender Play which is their education app, for which they charge $20 a month. But it’s free for the first 14 days so i think you can sign-up buy your stuff and quit. ALSO not sure what the base price is, that you deduct the 10% from, so the numbers may or may not work out.

I will be checking this out 'cuz i am thinking about buying some Fender gear myself.

ADDED: I checked and the base price at Fender on-line is the same as regular retailers like Sweetwater (i checked three amps), so the numbers could work on this.

Good though to find Black Friday Deals that involve actual hard goods and not software.

ADDED: But do i really need a Fender 2018 Limited Edition Meteora?

No chance

Each year I generally .

Keep an eye on for app sales
Keep an eye on as they do good sales
Keep an eye on

Hardware wise , I still buy 2nd hand , recent elektron gear is probably still covered by warranty.
Other gear is likely to be cheaper than stores , though for some reason people still think selling 2nd hand monologues / op-1’s can still sell for the same / more than brand new prices. I don’t get it.
2nd hand prices seem to drop a little near Xmas as people try to get funds quickly.
Some good items can be found as many people keep their money for Xmas instead of synths , unless Xmas isn’t relevant to your life…

Updated discchord link.


yea, I am waiting for their sale as their new Soviet Synths library sounds superb.


Listen to what Bradley says. He’s an expert at this. If you feel that you need to buy it because it’s on sale then you don’t need it because chances are you may not use it.

There’s a balance to be had with sample libraries. You can easily collect them all like Pokémon then not play them.

I’ve actually stopped playing video games to catch up with all my music software and gear purchases from 2016. What year is it?

If you pick a sample pack and stick with it for situations you intended and not intended you will realize what you need.

It’s crazy what you can do with the stock battery 4 and stock maschine 2.0 library. I bought live 10 suite and I can do a bulk file extension change and change those to WAVs. I’ve actually built a daily journal on the stock sounds and when to use them. Where do I fail ? How do I fix this ?


Even the stock Ableton Suite library is ridiculously good.
So much stuff in there I haven’t even had a chance to listen to yet


I’m interested in this bulk file extension change for the live content. I’ve got suite 10 but I haven’t opened my laptop for 3 months; it’s all Octatrack at the moment.
What did you use to change the content to wavs if you don’t mind me asking?

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Yea, me too all OT at the moment, but since all my other gear is packed and boxed for moving (soon) I am revisiting Live, Logic/Mainstage & NI software as a simple OT AB input. Must say it’s working very well also have not used it for a long time so it feels fresh.

The only software I want to get is Scaler and I am done. (Or a Scaler alternative.)

Oh and maybe an audio library manager. Difficult choice, I use multiple operating systems… .


Hmmmm…. might know a cross-platform app for that :wink:

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Did I win? :wink: