AR Analog Rytm feature request thread

I think it will be nice to make it possible to switch patterns from the scene mode. So a scene can switch from one pattern to the other. I dont really use my patterns, id love to use them for advanced fills

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Yes, I see it now :thumbsup:
But as I’m only playing the presets (for the moment) it only shows “Sound1” on track 1, and so on.
Reading the manual it is possible to rename this.

I don’t get that. Elektron made, this way, a specific and consistent place on your Rytm to use 100% for its divine sample playback capabilities - what track are you going to sacrifice otherwise for that, the kick?

No, I am very thankful for this cowbell. There should be a law - no drum machine without one.


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Make it two. You say cowbell I say more.


We need a cowbell only competition.

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Post it here, then :

@elektronauts we need a cowbell icon !

EDIT : there was this “Dual cowbell” submission for last Science Lab Challenge, the track was awesome…
Can’t find it though.

@Ess :slight_smile:


I love the conditional trigs, but they are severely limiting my fill options. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the ability to create a few different fills for a pattern and the power to choose which one plays?

I would like an option for fills to overwrite any existing trigs in a pattern. Often I have a randomized snare hit with a short retrig at the end of a pattern, but if I want to create a fill using that same step, but in a different way I have no option.





did i mentioned it already? Free the LFOs from their tracks, let us assign an LFO from any track to any parameter on any track - like it works on the Machinedrum. That would be awesome! Im sure i mentioned that, im sure. But i cant stress this enough :wink:

[edit] and i actually found my comment in the linked thread from 2014. I had another wish, i just copy it now:

Total Amount of Locks for all Scenes and Performances should be globally limited to 6144 per Project instead of 48 per kit. Would be more flexible if you need more locks in one track than the other one.

Yeah this, and freely assignable LFOs. Make me happy Elektron, would ya?! :smiley:


To @Ess : :cow::bell: :cow::bell: :cow::bell: :cow::bell: :cow::bell: :cow::bell: :cow::bell: :cow::bell: :cow::bell:

Haven’t tried to FM each parameter of each machine I found that with compressor alone you can drastically change the sound of a single track… And I love it when in gets in modular territory with Pulse machine…

Hi Ben, is it the low end of the kick(s) you mainly want to temper?

no, the opposite all other track to filter the mudiness. I use the filter mostly for plock modulation.

I suppose there is no hope of getting a second LFO altogether. In lieu of that, it’d be nice if the routing was fleshed out a bit more. I like the comment above about unlocking LFOs from their respective tracks, that way you could route a few LFOs to a single track for more modulation opportunities on a single sound.


Once again, I beg for a feature found in the OM but still not in the OS: Retrig Quantization!!! Should I stop waiting? Please Elektron just say so!!


Well then my suggestion would be to use the BD out for your kicks, assuming you don’t pan these.
Put an external eq/filter on the master.

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please increase total locks limit for scene and performance modes
48 is not enough


yes thought of that too. but i fixed it otherwise. My elektrons stereo out -> DB2 mixer/soundcard -> ableton live Multiband Comp -> Mid Side EQ -> gives me a very good result WOW now I 'm thinking about buying the analog heat for enhancement or boost the master bus :smiley:

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I have another request. I would love for scenes to be able to control TRC. Turn the TRC knob and the options for scene 1-12 and those trigs will only play when scene is active.