AKWF waveforms - tuning?

The waves are here for the monomachine as well.

The waves are here for the monomachine as well.

I meant repitched.

Gotcha. Looks like the individuals will be available re-pitched first.

Couldn’t the chains be changed as they are now as well?

The samples in thechains are all different pitches so I can’t do that.

Working on the individuals now. Pretty fast with DSP Quattro batch converter.


I miss the ‘backslap’ and ‘feeling it’ emoticons… you people deserve them!

I just posted all the AKWF samples pitched to C in the MnM forum



We don´t have Santa Claus in Spain, we have instead the 3 Kings, they are coming tomorrow… so I will see what I can do in order to have them ready before tomorrow morning xD

If you don´t mind I might Include in my package the isolated ones, and the chains… This way would be the all in an C tuned and usefull for MnM and OT.

Cool! Looking forward. Sure you can include the retuned individuals.


Multiman, this is going to be super useful for MnM (and MD as well, as it can also use 1-cycles). As I just mentioned to tsv and Tyrone in the other thread, I owe you beers as well :slight_smile:

Oh well… can’t wait for Elektron to reply… Happy new year Elektronauts!

AKWF waves retuned in C and spread on all octaves from C0 to C7. This means you can go from sub-bass to leads and use the chromatic mode of the OT. Have fun with these!


Disclaimer: C6 and C7 scaled waves will sound weird on the OT, this is a known issue and Elektron is investigating. Hopefully it can be fixed in a future firmware upgrade.

Awesome thanks!

LooKing forward for that beer! :wink:

It took me actually quite a long time as many folders had different number of files, now the collection os Sample Chains is a serieous one… Some of the chains contain less slices than the original folder from AFWF but I think is enough… 4400 WF tuned in C, more than 100 chains, plus a Noise Sample Chain I added that is incredibly fun!!

As promised here it is:

Looking forward to see some stuff coming from this swiss army knife!!

I’m a big fan of those 64pieces chains, thanks everybody who contributed!

question: any chance someone creates a version of Multiman’s output with the C0-C7 pitched files by jaalmadakan? I feel that Multiman’s files are too low pitched for some purposes.

or how can I do it?

help? anyone?

There are threads on how to create sample chains in a DAW. Try searching the forum.

Also zeropoint has a nice explanation of how to do it on the OT here:


This is amazing, and I thank you. I just decided today to try making at least one whole project from single cycles. I was pretty bummed at the prospect of re-tuning every sample I wanted to use to a specific octave, not to mention putting them in C. This thread came up on a quick google search and pretty much saved my ass a bunch of sweat. :+1:

Hey, I did another project recently with even better waveforms. You can download the pack from there: http://project1404.com/monolith2/download/

There are thousands of waveforms in this pack, tuned in C and pre-sliced by octave. This means that slice 1 plays at C0, slice 2 at C1, and so on, up to C7. Using only one sample, like a samplechain.



These are great. I’m trying to simply fall this in my mind - so the rep itched or pitched I just grab em - load them into the OT - then slice them into whatever length is specified and then if they’re pitched sample chains use the slice playback and plock slx to sequencer grid for melodic playback? (My head is mush this morning)

Slice into a grid of 8. Turn loop on and adjust amp envelope to taste.