Advanced Delay Time Cheat-Sheet

Thanks for the delay time cheat sheet! Do these figures apply in any way to the quantise values? Why is there no musical translation built into the Elektron Machines? Is this a mad mathematician’s ego trip? Watching all of the musicians counting on their fingers and laughing sinisterly in the background? For me the maths dominated approach is the weak point, in Elektron’s otherwise, very creative sound machines.

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Ah great - always wondered why “40” sounded so nice :slight_smile:
thanks for the efforts!

First of all thanks for creating this chart, really cleared up the delay for me! The colour coding is awesome too.

I think I found something inaccurate in here, though. Maybe it’s me that is looking at this the wrong way, I guess we’ll see…
What i mean concerns the the triplets in the chart. I think that the red lines, the supposed triplets, are actually dotted notes. Let’s put this hypothesis to the test:

1 dotted 1/8th-note = 1/8th-note*1,5 = 3/16

or numerically:

0,5 [beats] *1,5 = 0,75

The resulting values (0,75; 3/16) show up in the same line in the chart. That line is labelled “1/4tri[plet]”. Unless I have taken a wrong corner in my thought process here, I think that label should be “dotted 1/8”.

Maybe the reason why this got mixed up was that, if you look at the chart, the column “fraction”, which shows the most reduced fraction, does have numbers with periodical ,3333 ,66666 (e.g. 3/32 = 1/10,666666…). Of course this looks like we’ve got a triplet, but not really actually. The ,333 or ,6666 needs to be the in the column “beats” to make it a triplet

I was bummed when I discovered this because i quickly realised there are no triplets at all in the delay on the A4.
An 1/8 triplet would have to be 1/12, which simply doesn’t appear between 1/128 (the increments of the delay) an 128/128. (That’s basically saying 1/12 and 1/128 don’t have a common denominator).

Oh well, doted notes sound great too :wink:

Oh and just an afterthought:
I haven’t looked at the other -plets…

EDIT: Dunno what these findings means for the quintuplets etc. in the chart.
EDIT: It was Lars Erik that got me on this idea with this post: Delay & Tempo Sync

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Hi @Sammelkorn its possible to re-upload the Delay time pdf?
File not found : /


Dropbox changed their sharing api, I updated the post above, here’s the new link for the original pdf:


@Sammelkorn thanks for the input on triplets vs. dotted. I will look into this, might be I was wrong. I didn’t measure the actual delay times. One can do proper triplets on the note grid though with micro-timing.

I don’t have my A4 with me right now, so I don’t know the exact value for the three steps (there are 2 solutions for that) but they must be somewhere there:

Btw. still very useful:

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I like to use this sometimes :

When you play a fast arp, lfo (or retrig on other lachines), or 32th with scale 2x, you can have a note depending on tempo.

A = 440 Hz. 440 x 60 = 26 400
Divide by 2 until you get common tempo :
A > 103.125 bpm

To find tempo one semi-tone above, you have to multiply by 2^(1/12)=1,0594630944

That number can be used to find frequencies too, starting from 440 Hz. Ex with 5 semi tones above :
440 (A4) x 2^(1/12)^5 = 587.3 (D5)

Very nice! I was thinking of creating something like that, but search brought me to your post and you have done a detailed job! Thank you!

I just picked up the Analog Heat + FX. yay!

Setting delays is a confusing mess. Why??? I’d love to get a modern answer to this issue. Elektron, why make it difficult to get simple musical values for my delay time?

If you push and turn the Time Encoder, you will get the musical values.


wow, thank you! I wish this was default and push and hold was whatever that is…

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Very handy and inviting to test out more values other then the usual suspects. 🩶🤘

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