A4 Tips & Tricks

That’s not how you use a Y cable - the outputs on teh A4 are stereo out - it’s not an insert - you only need y insert cable if you want to split any panning from A4 track

The outs from the H9 go to inputs on the A4

In your case i t needn’t really be asked, two monos from two tracks or L/R from one track it’s all the same, it’s just a signal

if doing mono with two tracks out you only need 4 mono patch cables and some self explanatory wiring in terms of outs and ins


here’s something I hadn’t really paid attention to till today:

The triangle oscillator turns into a sawtooth at either “pulsewidth” extreme. Interestingly though, it’s inverted phase from the regular sawtooth wave. (you can nearly cancel out the waveforms entirely by dialing in levels right) This brings some interesting waveform design options.

Two square waves without using a square wave:

  • oscillators 1 and 2 nearly equal, slightly detuned. One a sawtooth, one a triangle with max/min pulsewidth. Dial in the 1/2 levels right, and you get a PWMing square wave (subtracting a phase-shifted sawtooth from another sawtooth makes a square wave, and the detuning is effectively like a phase modulation)
  • Osc 2 a triangle max/min pulsewidth one octave above a sawtooth Osc 1. Hard sync 1->2. Dial in the levels right, and you get a 50% square wave.

A more interesting waveform I discovered today: sawtooth Osc 1, triangle Osc 2 25% or so pulsewidth. Osc 1 around 80% level, Osc 2 around 100%. If you dial the levels right, you get a waveform that looks like a sawtooth with a blank shelf. Or like a square wave where half of it is entirely sloped (like an extreme version of the “transistor square” wave)

I love stumbling on these sorts of niche interactions.


Nice discovery! I’ll have to give it a try, thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

A nice performance tool that was not obvious to me from the manual: FUNC + LEFT/RIGHT also allows you to shift trig mutes, accents, note slides, and param slides around while in their respective modes, just like regular trigs. Sure delivers some happy accidents…


Can’t believe I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere yet.
Awesome tricks, thanks :pray:

Found a former post with precision’s regarding parameters values:


An interesting precision regarding voltages:


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Where is The sound setting of a4 to save? Kit or sound?

The supervoid reverb’s default phasey feedback fizz was annoying me last night so I started modulating it and came across this interesting trick…

You can make a pseudo chord out of single notes by modulating the reverb! Turn up a default sound’s reverb send and try the following settings in the fx page:

  • Set reverb’s predelay to 60
  • Assign an lfo (triangle) to predelay
  • Set lfo depth to 3.0
  • Set the lfo speed mult to 64

You should hear the predelay causing the pitch to trill either side of the sent note, producing a washed-out chord. You can find a couple of other semi useable chords by adjusting the lfo depth and predelay. Not one to use everyday but I found it pretty neat.


Cool trick! Modulating the reverb can result in some pretty interesting sounds, I´ve mostly done modulated textures and stuff like that (sometimes pseudo sidechained to the kick with an lfo), but also more tonal stuff. That it can do chords is pretty crazy, tho!


Not sure if this should be posted here, or maybe in a more specific thread. Let’s try :blush:

Is there a way to disable automatic saving when making some changes in a pattern tracks parameters?

Let me explain with an example
I owned a Mono Station before I got an A4. With Novation’s machine you need to save every change you do. So you get your sound, save it, and then you can mess everything you want, change pattern (they are called sessions there) and then, when coming back to that pattern everything is as it was when you saved

I found that super useful to make transitions between patterns, and I miss that a lot in Elektron devices. Any tips / workarounds with that? :thinking:

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There are literally hundreds of discussions on A4 pattern autosave in this Forum. Apparently it cannot be deactivated. A frequent suggestion is to copy the initial pattern to a new slot before mangling.

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Yes, I agree and thought and posted about it too often here. And made the feature request to be able to disable autosave or ability to tag reload pattern on change or write protect a pattern with kit.

After you jump to another pattern spontaneus or by accident after playing around you have to be sure the other patterns in project are in a saved state you like so that you can reload the project.

For not spontaneus or accidental pattern jumps, if you want to do a save pattern as ( including kit sounds changes with encoders):

-Tag kit reload on change,
Copy pattern, reload pattern, go to new pattern, paste pattern, save new kit with new name , save pattern.

On digitone there is the nice reload from project command, ( but kits are missing more or less),
On ot pattern reload is not possible.
Both situations are clear.
But on a4 the pattern reload text in the manual gives me strong headache also after reading 80 times.
I miss disable autosave on all machines.

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I love my ak for some reasons but is there a way to destroy ur sounds and go back to the original afterwards like the machinedrum hold function shit? I love the happy lil accidents

maybe “reload kit” after destroying the sound?


Ok, sorry, if you say so. Yes, it was a too long answer to a complicated question.
To your question above:
There is no ctrl-all on a4 like dn and (i think(?)) md. You can reload everything seperately, look at the manual incl button combos. ( i have mk1)
You talk and ask about happy accidents above. Me too incl maybe even a tip for you in the middle of the answer-post. If you want to save your accident to a different pattern. If your accident was changing the pattern you could reload the project.

Hello…! (:

Is there a way to use two different sounds in one track and split those in to two different keys/notes?
Example: i want to use kick and snare sound in same track and play those live with minikeys, so that the kick is in one key (note c) and the snare is in another key (note f).

I think Multi Map mode is your best bet for doing that. The limitation is that I don’t think you can sequence the Multi Map without resorting to MIDI loopback trickery.


Anyone have any tips on sequencing drum
Machines along with the A4?
I’ve recently bought a Nord drum2 and want a synth/sequencer to pair with it?

Quite interesting and unusual techniques for a4 sound design: