A4 + Modular...any ideas?

Sherman Filterbank or Analog Heat? Aira Torcido and Bitrazer are also useful standalone CV-controllable stereo processors and could form the start of a eurorack modular. A wavefolder like the Intellijel uFold can get some really tough results too, you’d probably want to have at least an envelope generator and VCAs to go with it though.

Here’s a quick bit of Bitrazer on an SH-01A I just recorded:

That’s all default settings, no modifications, no CV control, just me twiddling the front panel knobs.

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You want edgier & ‘crunchy’ sounds, semimodular-style? Then look no further than 0 Coast!

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Sounds pretty good. i would think of adding more simple ADSRs. They crucial for a system.

The 510 is a nice oscillator module, that adds a lot of warmth and sound excellent (especially the square). The filter in it is “ok”, but not a killer, but therefore it also has a VCA which is cool.

i would recommend also take a look into “make noise” stuff… especially “maths” was a game changer for me.

mutable is a great addition to a setup. rings is also a cool sound that combines well with analogue stuff…

also take a look into erica synth stuff… for cheap money you can add cool effects or synth voices and they take no space in your rack… pico voice and pico DSP are amazing little tools…

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Thanks, I appreciate that.

The 540 has two separate ADSRs on sliders, which is what I wanted (rather than knobs) and each has two positive and one inverted out. I thought that would probably be enough to be getting on with to begin with, given that I’m not really expecting to be making more than one sound at a time with it (though it easily could, obviously). Plus like you say the 510 is normalled to use the filter envelope as the VCA envelope which can free up the others in a a lot of cases. I’ll see how it goes when I’ve got it all together. The other thing that’s a possibility is reprogramming one of the two Aira modular effects I have to be ADSR generators and/or LFOs and/or all sorts of other stuff depending on what I’m trying to achieve.

I’m generally good for hardware effects but Maths is definitely something I’d like to have, it just takes up a fair chunk of an 84hp rack. My intention is to use a Roland SYR-E84 case for this and stack another one on top if I really get into it, at which point I’ll be looking a lot more into mults, logic stuff, granular and rhythmic things, maybe effects. But that’s a way off (hopefully).

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Ahh, right. the AIRA can be configured. Thats cool.
ADSRs: i noticed having like three or four separate ADSR settings to be cool (even better if they are loopable). i found them to be perfect for creating all that nice movement into a sound, that goes beyond classical filter/vca ADSRs (different pitchcurves on two OSC, variable speed sequencer clocking and so on)
Modular is a never ending (expensive :-)) story… i have 4 rows 84HP full of stuff… now that i am that deep into it, i want even more… great fun to cable down sounds and play the best parts as samples on my mpc or octatrack :slight_smile:
have fun with your system!!!

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