A4 Feature Requests

I think this already exists to some extent. Check that field you set to ‘reset’ under poly config you have a few options there.

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Not really a request, except to correct it :
In the manual, p54 (Multi Map) there’s a mistake :

TRANSPOSE transposes the pattern up or down 1-36 octaves. No transpose if set to 0.

Semitones, not octaves.

Since there likely are engineers currently working on software for the mk2 machines, I’d like to request that the cv outputs be given some more attention. I have 2 requests.

  1. Pitch tracked lfos on the cv track - As I’m not an engineer involved in a4 development, I don’t really know how the pitch tracked lfos are implemented, but I suspect it’s not really pitch tracking, but rather keeping track of what pitch the dcos are being fed, and doing some math in order to turn that into a multiplier for the lfos. If that is the case, the same could likely be done on the cv channel, when the v/oct or hz/volt settings are used. Knowing what voltage is being output would give an expected oscillator frequency, and then an audio rate lfo could be derived from that. This would be amazingly useful, as it would effectively allow one to use the cv outs as not just audio rate modulators, but also as additional dcos. :fearful:

  2. My second request is much more mundane, but would make the cv track more immediately usable than it currently is. Allow cv track settings to be saved as presets, not just in the global slots. - Users could then give descriptive names to cv configurations like “killer minitaur bass” or “hacked monotron setup” that wound greatly streamline people’s setups, and make experimenting with the cv outputs much more inviting. I currently have a sheet of paper with the voltage required to accurately play my monotron with my a4. This clearly should be saveable. It’s a digitally-controlled synth for a reason.
    I would happily give up a bank of sound presets for this purpose.


a feature to freeze your performance macros would be nice… maybe pressing jes + performance (like with freezing transposition).
so the performance state gets set to 0 and all the changes to the parameters get written into the kit.

would be super awesome cause it would allow to make nice transitions.

plocks would be a poblem though. these could just reset back to their normal state.


This has been touched on before I think. Possibly by me but alas I’m senile and wouldn’t know. The joystick on the AK can be pressed down just like the knobs.

One idea is having it freeze the position you’re holding the joystick in when pressing it so you can let it go. And unfreeze either when you start moving the joystick again (from its center position) or by a 2nd press.

Another idea is having it act as a secondary hold function, just like your typical hold function. The hold button the AK currently works in mysterious ways (although really great for building up melody lines with the arp:-).

The 3rd and last idea is if you stand at the side of the AK you suddenly have a nice long screen, suitable for a Asteroids/Missile Defence kinda game or a Breakout game, eh? EH? :slight_smile:


10 posts were split to a new topic: Copy and paste performance projects between projects

A bypass switch for the filter, like on the Heat

Please include an ‘undo new aesthetics’ function on the MKII’s, ty.


And undo super size me !


… or even better : a dry/wet knob for both filters, like the Sherman.

Non-12tet tuning plz.


Bumped into not being able to P-lock legato mode on the Arp last night. That would be sweet :slight_smile:

A digital built in oscilloscope will be eye candy and useful as well… ask korg : )

Not sure its realistic, but the ability to load one track sound + pattern at a time would make it way easier to use the A4 as a truly multitimbral instrument. Right now if you want to transition one instrument out at a time you have to create a huge number of kits. Even this is not a great solution because if a performance wants to do any live altering of those kits, the changes are not held when switching to the next kit.

In the end I have a bone to pick with the use cases / architecture of the A4 (and other elektron machines). Its so close to being so flexible but falls slightly short.


On the performance macros, I think it would be pretty cool for one of the selections to be the other macros so you could alter 9 parameters from a single knob


Good idea, but that would be 9x5=45 parameters with a single knob. :wink:
With my Ep+ midi processor I can control the 10 macros with Ot’s crossfader, mapping CC48 to macros. :loopy:

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Oooh! Nice!

Having an additional “Reload PERF on change” sequencer option instead of reloading the whole kit would add a lot more flexibility:

  • Perf being reloaded is quite useful to set an initial state for live performance
  • But using kit reloads, it’s easy (and quite frustrating) to lose a lots of work when editing back kits and forgetting to save them manually or turning off this option beforehand.

This would be such an happy compromise :cb:

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The ability to open a menu DIRECTLY by pressing a button, even if a setup menu is open.

For now, you have to close the open setup menu, with FN. Boring and stupid behaviour.
It’s like I can’t open a door because the door of another room is opened. :fury:


That’s actually a good analogy!

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